Cavities are common among children because they are still developing proper oral health habits. With that in mind, there are some ways to prevent cavities in children, regardless of their age. Check out these cavity prevention tips from Clinton Dental Center.
Start Brushing before Your Child’s First Tooth Appears
You can actually start brushing your child’s teeth before the first tooth occurs. Use a soft cloth to wipe your infant’s gums. This gets your child used to having something in his or her mouth, which will make the transition to teeth brushing that much easier. Continue to administer age-appropriate oral care routines, as recommended by your pediatric dentist.
Monitor Your Child’s Oral Health Routine
Your child should brush at least twice a day and floss at least once a day. Some children do better brushing after every meal, while others do well brushing once in the morning and once at night. Find a schedule that works well for your child.
Depending on your child’s age and maturity, you may have to brush your teeth together. This will let you see how your child is brushing his or her teeth to make sure the steps are correct. It also lets your child watch you to see how to properly take care of his or her smile. Monitor your child’s oral care routine until he or she is equipped to do it alone.
Get Twice-Yearly Checkups at the Dentist
Your child should see a pediatric dentist at least twice a year. These appointments give the dentist a chance to look over your child’s smile and notice signs of damage early on. If some enamel has weakened, the dentist can recommend fluoride toothpaste or a dental sealant to protect the enamel. This will prevent the erosion from turning into a cavity. Twice-yearly exams also include a professional teeth cleaning to get rid of plaque and tartar buildup. All of this will protect your child’s smile.
Limit Sugary Drinks and Foods
The bacteria that causes tooth decay feeds on sugar. To avoid cavities, limit your child’s exposure to sugary foods and drinks. Sticky foods, like candy, can also pull on your child’s teeth, causing them unnecessary trauma. We recommend a well-balanced diet with plenty of vegetables and lean proteins. This will keep your child healthy, energized and smiling bright.
If you would like to schedule an appointment with a pediatric dentist in Chesterfield MI, call (586) 949-5363.